Health, Injury Prevention Joshua Kiely Health, Injury Prevention Joshua Kiely

Do I need treatment forever?

This is probably the #1 question I get asked in the clinic. The very simple answer is no, nobody needs treatment forever. 

Many patients arrive with a fresh injury, feel better after 6 weeks of treatment, and just return when something else hurts. For a lot of people, this is perfect, and it’s often what I recommend. 

With that said, there are situations where a monthly maintenance treatment will have a ton of value for a patient.

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Injury, Injury Prevention, Health Joshua Kiely Injury, Injury Prevention, Health Joshua Kiely

Overcoming Pain: Your First Steps to a Healthier You

Injuries can be overwhelming, but with the right guidance, you can make a successful recovery. Discover the three principles that every rehab program should follow, including the importance of education and progressive overload. Plus, learn which questions to ask during the rehab process to take control of your healing journey. At SpineOttawa, we are dedicated to providing personalized care and guidance to help you get back to doing what you love.

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Movement, Injury Prevention Joshua Kiely Movement, Injury Prevention Joshua Kiely

Hip Pt. 1 - Hip (flexors) don't lie

Every week, I see patients at my chiropractic office in Ottawa who are complaining about tension across the front of one or both hips. Tight hips are usually our body telling us that we’re sitting a ton without balancing our day with enough movement.

Most often, anterior hip tension isn’t painful, but it can be bothersome when we go to run, bike, or lift. This blog will cover a few of the muscles involved in generating this tension feeling and some strategies we can use to reduce it, as well as the considerations for specific sport applications.

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Health, Injury Prevention Joshua Kiely Health, Injury Prevention Joshua Kiely

Three tips to get the most benefit from your standing desk

Over the last 12 months, I’ve fielded countless questions about ergonomics, working from a couch, and exercising at home. Of all the questions I get asked, the one that seems to come up the most is about sit-stand desks, and whether they are worth buying.

This article should shed some light on how to EFFECTIVELY use your sit-stand desk so that you can feel better while working, and not have to deal with the headaches or pain that often come at the end of the day.

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