Is Chiropractic care good for back pain?

Is Chiropractic care good for back pain?

By Dr. Joshua Kiely, DC

Today’s article is all about back pain. Almost all of us will have back pain at some point, and according to the research, many of us will likely seek treatment at some point. I’m going to shed some light on treatment options and provide tips on how you can feel better fast, without spending tons of time and money on treatment.

The main points of today’s article:

  1. Back pain costs individuals, companies, and our health care system a ton of time and money.

  2. Effective treatment of low back pain requires listening, understanding and a customized approach.

  3. Chiropractors are trained to perform all first-line recommended treatments as set out in several national medical guidelines.

  4. An evidence-based chiropractor will provide a short trial of care designed to get you feeling better quickly, and without unnecessary expense or risk.

Read on to learn more about why evidence-based chiropractic is good for back pain.

Back pain is common and expensive

To be blunt, the facts about back pain suck. For decades, disability due to low back pain has been increasing (up 50% since 1990!), care has become more expensive, opioids have failed as a treatment option and invasive surgeries are more common than ever.

Thankfully, about 97-99% of low back pain is non-life-threatening! In fact, the vast majority of people recover quickly, especially with the right supporting team by their side. Typically, back pain will last a few weeks then calm down or go away completely, but research tells us that most of us will experience flare-ups in the future.

Most of Ottawa will experience back pain at some point. Read on to find out what the research tells us.

Most of Ottawa will experience back pain at some point. Read on to find out what the research tells us.

In recent years, the science supporting effective treatment of back pain has improved drastically. Evidence-based chiropractors can harness this research to provide awesome care in order to get folks back to their favourite activities fast!

No two cases of back pain are the same

Research tells us that the most common type of back pain is Nonspecific Low Back Pain. This diagnosis is so common because over 80% of back pain can’t be linked to a structural issue (ie. you don’t have damaged joints, curves, muscles, or discs). Instead, most back pain is a result of a complex and varied combination of different movements, injuries and lifestyle factors that may impact and prolong symptoms. 

This is actually great news! Research is very clear that having back pain doesn’t mean you’re broken! Experiencing an episode of back pain means you’re a normal human being, experiencing a normal human condition that effects nearly everyone, and we have options to help.

We can have a powerful impact on our pain when we take a holistic approach to our health.

We can have a powerful impact on our pain when we take a holistic approach to our health.

If you’ve ever had an achy back after working a long shift, or spending the first days of Spring in the garden, or even spending a few hours chasing after the kids, you’ve likely experienced Nonspecific Low Back Pain. While it’s not usually dangerous long-term, this type of pain can definitely get in the way of our normal activities.

Examples of aggravating factors that may contribute to low back pain are different for every individual, but common ones include:

  • Sitting at a desk all day and not having time to exercise or move.

  • Long days at work, high anxiety, or a recent loss of a loved one.

  • Lack of restful sleep.

  • Poor diet choices or excessive weight gain.

  • Past injuries or current injuries.

Because of the complexity of each individual’s situation, it makes sense that no two treatment plans should look the same!

The solution for back pain depends on the person

Chiropractors in Canada are uniquely positioned to address the complex nature of back pain because of their years of training in spinal pain and musculoskeletal conditions. Similar to how you may see a dentist for a toothache, or an optometrist for your eyesight, you should see a chiropractor for back pain.

My mission is to improve back pain treatment in Ottawa, so I use up-to-date research to inform every treatment plan I offer. Patients deserve to have the tools and support to take control of their health and get back to living life the way they want.

We’re improving the treatment of back pain in Ottawa by using science as a guide.

We’re improving the treatment of back pain in Ottawa by using science as a guide.

Chiropractors are trained to effectively diagnose and educate about back pain, explain the healing process and timeline, provide safe activity and lifestyle suggestions, and offer hands-on therapies when indicated.

When creating a treatment plan, I offer a menu of treatment options based on my experience as a chiropractor and what the research tells us works best for each individual’s unique circumstances.

Hands-on treatments may include spinal manipulation therapy, acupuncture, soft-tissue therapies, and muscle taping. These treatments are modifiable depending on the situation and patient preferences (ie. if someone has a phobia of needles, they usually don’t get acupuncture!).

Chiropractic is an affordable, safe solution for back pain

In healthcare, high-value care refers to the relatively highest level of improvement possible with the lowest risk and the least amount of time or money spent. Evidence-based chiropractic care is high-value because:

  • Relatively low costs compared to MRI or surgery.

  • Low risk compared to opioids or invasive procedures.

  • Significant improvement with long term results thanks to appropriate education and lifestyle modifications.

A reasonable trial of care for most low back pain would be 4-6 appointments followed by a reassessment. The reassessment is performed to ensure symptoms are improving and the patient is well on their way to recovery and returning to meaningful activity. 

Effective care in Ottawa let’s you get back to the activities that are important.

Effective care in Ottawa let’s you get back to the activities that are important.

Of course, there are situations when chiropractic care is not the best solution for back pain - for example when we suspect cancer or a fracture. 

Chiropractors are experts at assessing spine pain and musculoskeletal injuries, which means they also understand when their care is not going to be helpful, allowing them to make an appropriate referral to an expert who will be able to provide the right treatment at the right time.

Take control of your health and get rid of back pain, starting today!

If you’re ready to try out evidence-based chiropractic care for yourself or a loved one, get started by booking an appointment online today.

I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, so please feel free to get in touch.

Further Reading

To learn more about the safety of chiropractic care check out my article from June entitled “Is Chiropractic Care Safe?”.

The Lancet produced a brilliant series of articles on the burden, treatment, and implications of Low Back Pain. These are a must-read for anyone who treats low back pain, wants to learn more about the global effects of low back pain or is curious about what treatment options they have available to them. The statistics from today’s blog were found in the research and articles provided by The Lancet.

Check out the video by Dr. Mike Evans who you may know from CBC’s Fresh Air or perhaps have heard of his work with St. Michael’s Research Hospital. He presents the research we know about low-back pain in a way that’s easy-to-understand and fun to watch.

I appreciate all feedback, and really do make changes based on your input. Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or get in touch!

Ottawa chiropractor

About Dr. Josh

I am an Ottawa-based chiropractor with a focus on spine pain, headaches and sports. I studied Human Kinetics at UoGuelph followed by four years at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.

If you want to learn more about my story, please check out the “About” page.


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